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International Journal of Disney Studies

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Interested in publishing on anything related to Disney?


The International Journal of Disney Studies might be the right place for you to do so!


The International Journal of Disney Studies is the first journal of the emerging field of Disney studies. It is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of Disney, an international media conglomerate that permeates our global culture and understanding of wider societal issues and processes. The journal publishes empirical and theoretical research that critically examines and analyses the Walt Disney Company, its intellectual properties and products thereof and their relationship with culture and society. Whilst the study of Disney has been trivialized, the rise of the Walt Disney Company and its permeation within society has continued to have a place within public discourse and contributes to our understanding and shaping of cultures all over the world. This journal provides much needed dialogue on the study of Disney in all its forms. A key aim of this journal is to continue to advance Disney studies as an interdisciplinary field and be a cornerstone for Disney scholarship as the field continues to progress. 

We are particularly interested in papers that discuss a wide range of topics that relate to Disney and its intellectual properties, including but not limited to: history; industry; music; animation; live action films; television; the Disney Channel; Pixar; Lucasfilm; Marvel; Disney Princesses; Disney Villains; Disney+; Disney theatre productions; tourism; theme parks; merchandising; literature; fairy tales; food; Disney audiences; Disney fandom; Disney art; representation and Disney’s relationships with and representation of identity; ethnicity; disability; race; gender; sexuality; and queerness. We welcome articles from academics, students, independent scholars, practitioners and industry professionals from all over the world.


We invite three types of scholarly work: 

  • Original scholarly articles (approximately 6000-8000 words long) are traditional peer-reviewed articles with a focus on theory, case studies and/or empirical research. 

  • Book reviews (approximately 1000 words long) review relevant scholarly and non-fiction books released in the previous years. The goal for this section is to elucidate the broader research happening in the field beyond the scope of this journal. If you would like to write such a review, reach out to our Book Review Editors. 

  • Commentaries (approximately 2000-3000 words long) review various aspects of Disney, such as new films, additions to the theme parks, corporate strategies, archival findings, Disney events and more. The purpose of these pieces is to allow scholars to give less formal information regarding major changes to the Disney company. This focus can be especially helpful as many scholars cannot regularly visit the theme parks and other special events or may not have access to archival or corporate materials. These pieces will thus serve to keep Disney scholars apprised of any major changes to our conglomerate of study. You can submit a piece for consideration or reach out to one of our commentary editors.


For more information, check out the journal's full webpage or contact the editors (Robyn Muir and Rebecca Rowe) at


Part of your DisNet annual fees will go towards an annual subscription to IJoDS, so if you want to stay up-to-date on Disney scholarship and haven't joined already, consider joining DisNet today!

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